Quick facts about this walk

Location: Monterosso, Cinque Terre, Italy
Distance: 4.5 km
Time: 1 hour 40 mins
Difficulty: Easy to medium with steps up and down
Elevation: 241 m
Track Quality: Track was dirt most of the way, busy with people
Transport: I caught the train to Monterosso, it’s easy. You can also get there by ferry.
Mobile coverage: Good

The Path of the Gods 7 day walk was totally awesome!

The walk from Monterosso to Vernazza, Italy is a scenic and popular leg of the Cinque Terre hiking trail. I did this walk in May and it was still pretty busy. This is the best time of the year to do it though as it wasn’t too hot.

The ocean at the start and all the way to Vernazza was crystal clear beautiful blue water. Just a little bit too cold for me, but plenty of others were enjoying it. 

There are loads of places to eat and plenty of shopping. However, the town is busy, so I couldn’t be bothered, I just got some water and headed off on the walk.

While not a long distance, the path has stunning coastal views and charming glimpses of terraced vineyards along the way. Though considered an easy hike, be prepared for some inclines, including a challenging climb of 500 steps on the Monterosso side. 

The reward? Breathtaking panoramas and the picturesque village of Vernazza waiting to greet you at the end.  I loved every minute of this walk, it’s amazing.

Map location and track

My 3d video of the walk

See my photos of the Walk from Monterosso to Vernazza - Italy

See more of my Italy Walks