Feed the cute donkeys then walk down to Algies Bay to complete the loop back to the carpark.

The Highfield Garden Reserve Donkey Park and Algies Bay Loop Walk is a short and easy walk located between Snells Beach and Algies Bay, near Warkworth, Auckland.

You can bring carrots or apples to feed the donkeys, they are very friendly. There are 8 of them all with names beginning with the letter “t”.

Quick facts about this walk

Location: Algies Bay, North Island
Distance: 1.9 km
Time: 40 minutes
Difficulty: Easy if you start at the carpark and walk through the park. If you go the other way there are a ton of uphill steps
Elevation: 81m
Track Quality: Excellent and very well maintained
Mountain bikes?: no
Wheelchair access?: no
Toilets: There are no toilets in the park only at Algies Bay
Dogs: Only on a lead or leash
Mobile coverage: Yes
Public transport: No, you need to make your way there.

Full walk description

Highfield Garden Reserve land was generously gifted to the people of New Zealand to enjoy by Alison and Ted Roberts in 1985. A Memorandum of Understanding with the Auckland Council (signed 23/01/2014) preserves the rights of the donkeys to graze.

There are two lookout platforms along the way as well as the view from the very top of the hill. The kids will love the donkeys, they are so friendly. Take a picnic and enjoy your day in Highfield Garden Reserve.

Working Bee:

If you’d like to volunteer to help, there is plenty to do, like donkey grooming, orchard maintenance in season, planting and pruning. Contact the Highfield Advisory Committee: Peter on 021 168 9698 or 09 425 6640.

Map location and track

My 3d video of the walk

See my photos of the Highfield Garden Reserve Donkey Park and Algies Bay Loop Walk

See more of my walks in Warkworth