The Manukau Harbour Restoration Society is working to restore and reinvigorate Manukau Harbour, you can also help if you like.

We have two walks in Blockhouse Bay – Blockhouse Bay Tiriwa walk and Blockhouse Bay circuit, where the bush meets the sea.
Next one along is the Lynfield Coastal Walk.

Hillsborough Cemetery is perched on the hill above Hillsborough Bay with a view over to Mangere Mountain. Walk down through the cemetery and reserves to the bays below before starting the upward climb. Hillsborough Cemetery and the Bays Loop Walk

You can choose to do the Onehunga Foreshore walk – works in progress as the shore is being reclaimed for a beach, or cross Manukau Harbour over Mangere Bridge to get to Onehunga on the Mangere Bridge to Onehunga Loop Walk

There is a choice of 5 walks around Mangere Bridge :- Mangere Bridge walks. You can do them as separate walks or join them up to make a bigger loop. Enjoy the bird life, farm animals, and the views from Mangere Mountain. You may also wish to visit the Otuataua Stonefields to get an idea of how people once lived and worked.

Puhinui Reserve Walkway is an interesting and wild place to visit. There are limited amenities here, so take a picnic if you plan to take your time to explore.

Heading down along the coast we reach Clendon and Weymouth, where the Weymouth Walkway Loop provides fine views across the harbour, looking back to some of the places above.

The Wattle Downs Walkway goes around the edge of the peninsula that extends into Manukau Harbour, at one spot there are views through to Manukau Heads.

And here we are at the last stop, where the walk along Conifer Grove Esplanade offers views across Manukau Harbour north to Wattle Downs and south to Karaka.
We hope that you are now inspired to get out and explore our very special Manukau Harbour.